The following two pages outline the current CHAOS. The sole property of The Standish Group. 2009 CHAOS Summary 2009 Report is protected. The Greatest Paper Airplanes more. The CHAOS Report 2009 on IT Project Failure By Jorge Dominguez The Standish Group collects information on project failures. In the IT industry and environments with. Chaos summary 2009 the standish group 1. CHAOS Summary 2009 The 10 Laws of CHAOSINTRODUCTIONThis year’s results show a decrease in. Chaos summary 2009 the standish group 1. CHAOS Summary 2009 The 10 Laws of CHAOSINTRODUCTIONThis year’s results show a decrease in. Ground Control 2 Patch Deutsch on this page.
The CHAOS Report 2009 on IT Project Failure By The Standish Group collects information on project failures in the IT industry and environments with the objective of making the industry more successful and to show ways to improve its success rates and increase the value of the IT investments. The latest results have been compiled into the CHAOS Report 2009 published by the organization in April. Problem: it measures success by only looking at whether the projects were completed on time, on budget, and with required features and functions (met user requirements). What happened to the rest of the “six triple constraint”! The organization leaves out of its measures the quality, the risk, and customer satisfaction. Not that we are complaining. They have the right to measure whatever they want and we have stated before that we have to consider the CHAOS Report results in a recent article on my theory on.