Quote: We are happy to announce that patch patch is finished! You can download it by simply logging in to Massgate.
Find all the latest Ground Control 2: Operation Exodus PC game downloads on GameWatcher.com. Patch 1. Standish Group Chaos Report 2009. 0.0.7 to [Patch] Posted about 13 years ago; 5.67 MB. Download Patch to More Ground Control 2. Looking for a copy of Ground Control 2: Operation Exodus? Get it on Green Man Gaming. Download Patch to More Ground Control 2. US retail v1.0.0.7 to v1.0.0.8 patch. Looking for a copy of Ground Control 2: Operation Exodus?
If you would like to download the patch outside of Massgate we'll be posting a direct link shortly. In the meantime, if you missed the changelog, you can read it here. We apologize for the delay in its release and would once again like to thank all of our fans for their suggestions for the patch as well as their continued support. Posted by Robert on 20:18:15 Read the rules please.