Share Transfer Deed Form PakistanShare Transfer Deed Form Sh-4

The Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan is a regulator established with the. Transfer Deed (amended up to June. Download  Share Page via Email. The Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan is a regulator established with the objective of developing. Form 3A Return of transfer of. Share Page via.

Shares Transfer Deed Form - Karim Virani • 1. Certificate No. Eset Nod32 Antivirus 4 Username And Password 2014.

TRANSFER DEED The l/ We of in consideration of the sum of Rupees Paid to me / us by Of hereinafter called the transferee(s), do hereby transfer unto the said transferee(s) the Ordinary Shares numbered standing in my / our name(s) in the books of to hold unto the said transferee(s) his/ her/ their executor(s), administrator(s) and assigns, subject to the several conditions on witch I/ we hold the same at the time of execution hereof, and I/ we the said transferee(s) do hereby agree to accept and take the said shares subject to same conditions. As witness our hands the day of A. D Signed by the above named transferor(s) Transferor’s in the presence of: (Seller’s) Witness Signature Occupation Occupation Address Address cwcwa - - CNICNO-I I - III - I/ We hrebydeclare that I am / we are national(s) of Pakistan and that I am/ we are not minor(s) Signed by the above named transferee(s) Transferee’s in the presence of: (Buyer’s) Witness Signature Occupation Occupation Address Address CNIC No. IIIIIIIIIIIIIII CN‘CN°- I I I I I I-I I I I I I I I-I I Received Transfer Fee Rupees On T. Entered in Register Of Transfer NO.

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