VMware ESX Server relies on the guest operating system to use the Halt instruction or advanced power management to deschedule the virtual machine when it is idle. We have tested a program called DOSIDLE.EXE and have found it works successfully with VMware ESX Server. Open VMware and click Create a New Virtual Machine. To install DOSIDLE just copy its folder to your harddisk by use xcopy D: DOSIDLE C: DOSIDLE.
I'm running VMWare Worstation 7 with Windows 7 x64 as guest, Windows XP x64 as host. Cosmos Designstar Manual. Inside the guest I run a long-running console application, which prints out progress messages with timestamps on them.
Sometimes I leave it running for several hours while I lock the host OS and don't touch the computer at all. When I come back I find that some time after I left it seems to have paused and automatically resumed: the console app hasn't made much progress and there's a large time gap in its progress messages. There's nothing relevant in the host event log, but in the guest Application event log I can see these messages around the time I left: A request to disable the Desktop Window Manager was made by process (VMware Tools Service) The Desktop Window Manager was unable to start because composition was disabled by a running application And later, around the time I returned, this shows up in the System log: The system time has changed to 2012-01-12T06:00000Z from 2012-01-12T03:79000Z. Patrician Ii Vista Patch.