Hello, I'm trying to deploy my metro app on a machine that does not have Visual Studio installed and I understand that I need the Visual C++ Runtime Package built in as an extension to my project. However, I'm unable to find such package on my machine. I go into my references of my project and try to add the extension from Windows->Extensions, but the runtime package is not there. Is there somewhere I can download these packages?
Beginner's guides to Visual Studio. Whether it be pdf files, an online tutorial. File invalid or corrupt' after installing Visual Studio 2012 Release Preview. Feb 22, 2013 Visual Studio 2012 Tutorial-Beginners - Duration. C# Visual Studio 2012 Creating a Basic Calculator - Duration: 13:30. VStutorial2010 20,723 views.
Is it located somewhere else? I just tried a fresh uninstall of Visual Studio 2012 Ultimate. Hi, That is what I'm doing. The powershell output is as follows: 'Found developer package: D:.appx Installing developer package.
Found dependency package(s): D: Dependencies x86 Microsoft.VCLibs.x86.Debug.11. Primordial Qigong Ebook here. appx D: Dependencies x64 Microsoft.VCLibs.x64.Debug.11.appx Success: Your developer package was successfully installed. Press Enter to continue.:' I've omitted the app name for disclosure reasons, but I don't believe the name makes a difference.
I've also tried this on the C: drive with no difference so I am assuming that it doesn't make a difference. Do you find an event in 1000 in the Application event log for your app (this indicates the app is actually crashing). If so, we can use these to save a dump of the crash for analysis: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Microsoft Windows Windows Error Reporting LocalDumps] 'DumpFolder'= 'DumpCount'=dword:00000010 'DumpType'=dword:00000002 This has some general initial steps to follow for investigating this type of problem. Bosch Wfl 2061 Manual there. Email me if you capture a crash dump to review: DavidLam AT Microsoft DOT com.