Frontline Living And Dying In Assisted Living

I never got into SERPENTINE's debut, I think it's just too average but then came their second album. Well, the album title is perhaps one of the worst in a century, but the album itself isn't bad at all. In fact, I'm quite excited in my very first spin as I think that this is too solid to be true, judging by the quality of their previous release, but after 2-3 spins, I think the euphoria started to fade out. The reason probably most of the songs felt imbalance, some has great chorus but quite patchy at the verse, and vice versa. I've encountered many albums like that and most of them were eventually settled down in the 70%-75% scoring territory. Bpwin Software. Really great tracks here are perhaps 'Philadelphia' with a blissful keyboard; the tender ballad, 'Love is Blue'; the thunder-roar of 'Cry'; and 'Heartbreak Town'.

neptunlabs – 2018