Formatted ASCII output to MSC/NASTRAN bulk data deck. This function is part of FEMLink. .PCH File Extension File Type 1 Nastran Punch Output. Pinagem Cabo Serial Db9 Rj45 here. Output file created by MSC Nastran. The contents of the PCH file created from this card would consist of.
I have to read several file of results from Nastran with MATLAB. I need to import the information about the displacement vector, which is located in the middle of the file, (but I know the line where the section about displacements starts and ends.).
Those files are formatted as follows: • They are divided in 'pages' with a fixed number of row per page • Each page has a header, which I do not need to import • Data columns have fixed width (Below an example of 'a page' of the file ) I have written a function in matlab, but it is extremely slow, and this process is the bottleneck of my code. (Those files are very big and I need to process a lot of them): I'm searching the fastest way to read them. Have you some ideas? Game Minimizer Windows 7. Nastran f06 files are formatted to provide adequate readibility for users.
For programming purposes at the other hand, there is a better option in my opinion. It is the punch file (.pch). It contains all the results in a fixed-length text table format. You do not have to deal with page breaks, empty lines or repeatitive identifiers at each page like you do in an f06 file. The good thing is that once you have achieved a code that reads some data successfully, you can just use almost the same pattern in order to read other kind of data because the only thing that changes the title and the row number. Aerofly Professional Deluxe Flugzeuge En there. You have to examine a little to get into it anyway. The punch file must be requested by the BDF file.