Diablo 2 Gold Edition. If you can get a list of all filenames first, then you could do something like: max_width = max(len(filename) for filename in filenames) for filename in filenames: f.write(filename.ljust(max_width+1)+.whatever else.) If you can't get a list of all filenames first, then there's no way to make sure that everything will line up, because there's no way to know if you'll later get a file whose name is really long. Play Nostale Files Nostale In Game Client. In a case like this, though, I would usually just assume that N columns is generally sufficient, for some N, in which case you can just do something like: f. Dancehall Acapella Pack on this page. write('%-40s%6s%10s%2s n'% (filename, type, size, modified)).
I am trying to count the number of times each number appears in a file, then print the original number and its count to another file. The original numbers are sorted. I am trying to count the number of times each number appears in a file, then print the original number and its count to another file. The original numbers are sorted. Oh, sorry for the lack of detail, but I was using it to write an integer(userinput) into a.txt file. – clickonMe Apr 21 '13 at 12:49 2 Your question is still unclear.