MSP430-169LCD development board USER’S MANUAL Initial. 8.2 Eagle schematic. // - Olimex MSP430-JTAG. Optoisolated professional USB JTAG for mass programming and flash emulation.

The Driver Update Tool – is a utility that contains more than 27 million official drivers for all hardware, including olimex msp430 jtag iso driver. This utility was recognized by many users all over the world as a modern, convenient alternative to manual updating of the drivers and also received a high rating from known computer publications. The utility has been repeatedly tested and has shown excellent results. This tool will install you the latest drivers for all devices on your computer. Supported OS: Windows 10, Windows 8/8.1, Windows 7, Windows Vista. This utility contains the only official version for OLIMEX MSP430 JTAG ISO Driver for Windows XP/7/Vista/8/8.1/10 32-bit and 64-bit versions. With just one click you can update the driver as well as the rest of the drivers in your system, such as: • Monitors • Audio & Sound • Graphics & Video Adapters • Modems & Network Adapters • Printers • Scanners • Optical Disk Drives • Other Devices This utility works in two simple steps: 1.

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Olimex Msp430

Has different development platforms available for the MSP430. One of these is the MSP430-169LCD. This article contains some notes about the board, tests operations and tips/tricks.

This development kit is very interesting. JTAG test Then I started to see if the Olimex board was working.

I connected a 9V battery to the board (Vin and GND) and the board become alive. Then, removing the external power, I connected the board to the JTAG connector, already hooked to the parallel port of the PC. The board come alive, since the JTAG connector, thru the jumper P-IN (inserted by default), bring the power. At this point, following the instructions found on the Develissimo website and from, I started the msp430-gdbproxy in a terminal. The first time I had strange error, so I reset the board and something started finally to work. However using the suggested command: #msp430-gdbproxy --port=2000 msp430 I obtained this error: debug: MSP430_Configure() error: msp430-gdbproxy: unable to open debugger connection.

Olimex Jtag

Shirt Designing Programs. Will restart I spent quite some time tracking this error but the only thing I realized, was that the error was somehow related to the TCP port used or about some conflict with other services or the Linux configuration. Then I started to read the mspgcc documentation and I found some. In the notes it was suggested to try the command: #msp430-gdbproxy --debug msp430 and it worked!

Only I noted that the default port was not 2000 but 2001! So I modified the original command using the new port: #msp430-gdbproxy --port=2001 msp430 and. I was able to connect the Olimex board with the JTAG. So to recap, in order to open a debug session with the card: • connect the Olimex board to the Jtag (parallel version) • open a terminal and start the gdb proxy: msp430-gdbproxy --port=2001 msp430 Note! If is not working is possible to use sudo, but in this case the absolute path of the msp430-gdbproxy must be issued.

For example in my case: sudo /opt/msp430-gcc-4.4.3/bin/msp430-gdbproxy msp430 • open another terminal, or a tab in the already opened, and start the gdb: msp430-gdb name_program_to_load.elf Inside the gdb digit help for generic help. Here some common operations: • connect to the board (first thing to do) target remote localhost:2001 • erase the flash memory (needed to do every time before to load the new code) monitor erase • load a program in the flash load name_program_to_load.elf (or.a43) Converting the demo code The first test is to convert the available for this board, for the mspgcc. Following the, it is possible to compile with mspgcc the code. To simplify the process I created a makefile. Looking at what files the IAR used to create the code, I created a simple makefile: CC=msp430-gcc CFLAGS=-O0 -Wall -g -mmcu=msp430x169 OBJS=main.o mmc.o system.o lcd_new.o all: $(OBJS) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o test.elf $(OBJS)%.o:%.c $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c lt; clean: rm -fr main.elf $(OBJS) To compile the code, simply open a terminal, go in the directory where there is the makefile and the source code and then: • $make clean to clean up the objects • $make to compile The result is a file called test.elf that can be load directly using the procedure described above.

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