Failing this, the Air Force is responsible for identifying and treating drug abusers and disciplining or discharging those who use or promote illegal or improper use of drugs. The Air Force has an integrated set of policies and programs that have evolved over 20 years for substance abuse to help with the prevention and the treatment of SA. The Air Force Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention and Treatment (ADAPT) and Demand Reduction (DR) programs include substance abuse prevention, education, treatment and urinalysis testing. ADAPT Program Objectives The objectives for the ADAPT program are laid out in the document: • Promote readiness, health, and wellness through the prevention and treatment of substance misuse and abuse.
• Minimize the negative consequences of substance misuse and abuse to the individual, family, and organization. • Provide comprehensive education and treatment to individuals who experience problems attributed to substance misuse or abuse. Applied C Practical Techniques For Building Better Software Pdf more. “Wrongful” means without legal justification or excuse and includes use contrary to the directions of the manufacturer or prescribing healthcare provider (prescription medication may only be taken by the individual for whom the prescription was written) and use of any intoxicating substance not intended for human ingestion (for example, inhalants such as markers, gas, paint, glue, etc.). Air Force members are also prohibited from possessing, selling, or using drug paraphernalia.
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Illegal or improper use of drugs by an Air Force member is a serious breach of, is incompatible with service in the Air Force, and automatically places the member’s continued service in jeopardy. The Air Force does not tolerate such conduct; therefore, drug abuse can lead to criminal prosecution resulting in a punitive discharge or administrative actions, including, separation or discharge under other than honorable conditions. Steroid Abuse in the Air Force Steroids are synthetic substances related to the male hormone testosterone. These substances have two effects: the androgenic, which causes the body to become more male, even if the user is female; and the anabolic, which builds tissue. The illicit use of anabolic steroids by military members is an offense punishable under the UCMJ. Air Force personnel involved with steroids will be treated in the same manner as with any other illicit drug use.
Policy on Alcohol Abuse The Air Force recognizes alcoholism as a preventable, progressive, treatable, and noncompensable disease that affects the entire family. Alcohol abuse negatively affects public behavior, duty performance, and/or physical and mental health. Situs Buku Gratis Pdf. Air Force policy is to prevent alcohol abuse and alcoholism among its personnel and their family members. Air Force members must always maintain Air Force standards of behavior, performance, and discipline. Failure to meet these standards is based on demonstrated unacceptable performance and conduct, rather than solely on the use of alcohol. Commanders must respond to unacceptable behavior or performance with appropriate corrective actions. Identifying Substance Abusers There are five methods for identifying substance abusers: Medical Care Referrals Medical personnel must notify the unit commander and the ADAPT Program manager (ADAPTPM) when a member: • Is observed, identified or suspected to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
• Receives treatment for an injury or illness that may be the result of SA. • Is suspected of abusing substances. • Is admitted as a patient for alcohol or drug detoxification. Commander’s Identification Unit commanders must refer all service members for assessment when substance use is suspected to be a contributing factor in any incident, such as reporting to duty under the influence, public intoxication, driving while intoxicated (DUI or DWI), spouse or child abuse and maltreatment and others.
Drug Testing The Air Force conducts of personnel according to AFI 44-120, Drug Abuse Testing Program. All military personnel are subject to testing regardless of grade, status or position. Military members may receive an order or voluntarily consent to provide urine samples at any time. Military members who fail to comply with an order to provide a urine sample are subject to punitive action under the UCMJ. Commanders must refer individuals identified positive as a result of drug testing for a SA assessment. Medical Purposes Results of any examination conducted for a valid medical purpose including emergency medical treatment, periodic physical examination and other such examinations necessary for diagnostic or treatment purposes may be used to identify drug abusers.