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Recommended Download: A DVD cloning program that lets you copy copy-protected DVDs. CloneDVD is very flexible and easy to use with user-friendly interface. You can freely select copy mode, source file and target file. The source and target file can either be DVD disc, movie folder or ISO file saved on your PC. CloneDVD supports all popular DVD-5/DVD-9 discs and multiple copy modes: copy the whole movie, copy main movie only with extras and special features omitted, personalize your DVDs only favorite title/ chapter/ subtitle/ audio remained, you even can custom the target DVD video size to fit your disc.
Perfect Copy Quality: - Real DVD movie clone by 1:1, Perfect Video & Audio Quality - like the original - Copy all the Special Features, Intros, Menus, Subtitles & Languages, nothing to lose Region-free & CSS-free: - Copy copyright-protected DVD movies.